
Interaction meta-scenarios

Approach to make systematic first steps to understand and start designing any unfamiliar system.

There are cases, when we start designing a new system with a serious lack of knowledge about it, i.e., the users, subject domain, etc. Or we have some information, but it is inconsistent and fragmented. Also we can encounter the opposite situation—the information we receive is so tremendous and massive, that we are literally drowning in it, trying to organize it from scratch and convert it into design solutions that are generic, scalable and structured.

One of the ways to simplify this entry into a system vision is to start from top level use cases—interaction meta-scenarios, as I call them.

Interaction meta-scenarios are behavior patterns that are typical for people and systems in general, irrelevant to the application or subject domain. Actually, they are not specific to digital systems only—there is no difference whether we are talking about an HMI of navigational system or handling the sails of a sailboat. We can consider concrete, specific use cases of any particular system to be elements of these meta-scenarios.

Let’s review some categories of these meta-scenarios.

Product lifecycle

This set is quite simple—it defines how the users start, continue, and stop the interaction with the system, gaining more knowledge (or some kind of internal representation) about it.

Situation awareness

These scenarios support the user’s understanding of what is happening with the system’s automation object—a business, transportation facility, hospital schedule, or power plant infrastructure. I will not describe in detail, but these are extremely important things for the same information systems and, especially, real-time control and monitoring systems (such as nuclear power plant control centers, trading systems or workplaces for ambulance stations)

Navigation and data access

This group of scenarios is directly related to activities related to data access and processing. It is particularly related to information systems.

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Keeping in mind these (and other) meta-scenarios, we get the “glue” for system framework, that assists to organize the system interaction model in a consistent and systematic manner. With it we can start moving to more detailed use cases—like “What are the data items needed to support awareness about past events?” or “Is there a need to support user roles management during system installation?” We also may identify blank areas that require our further attention—and start designing them.